Pasadena Shoplifting Defense Attorney
Get Assistance Facing Shoplifting Charges Today!
In the state of California, unlawfully taking property that is valued at $950 or less away from a commercial establishment is known as “shoplifting” under Penal Code section 459.5. The offense is a misdemeanor with a maximum sentence of 180 days in jail. In most cases, we can avoid a jail sentence and we seek to negotiate a Diversion resolution that results in a dismissal. In some situations, we negotiate a plea agreement that results in an infraction or a related lesser offense.
When you are facing charges of shoplifting, it is important to retain the experienced and skilled counsel of a criminal defense lawyer in Pasadena who can help you navigate through the prosecution process. At Escovar Law, APC, we have represented clients in the Pasadena area through a wide variety of theft crimes, including numerous shoplifting cases. We understand the serious nature of the accusations you are facing and how it can impact your reputation and your job, which is why we provide each client with a highly-personalized and aggressive criminal defense both in and out of the courtroom.
Call Escovar Law, APC today by dialing (626) 577-7700 and let us provide you with a free consultation!
Committing Shoplifting
You could be charged for shoplifting if:
- You intentionally and deceptively alter or change the tag on an item in order to pay less for it than the actual asking price
- You enter an establishment intending to purchase one item and you intentionally walk out with more items knowing that you did not pay for them all
- “Dine and dashing” at a restaurant, or leaving without paying your check
If you are convicted of shoplifting, you will have a criminal record involving a "crime of moral turpitude", which means employers may conclude that you are not an honest person which can have a negative effect on your employability and professional licenses.
Don’t wait to seek legal representation from a Pasadena shoplifting defense lawyer; contact Escovar Law, APC for help today!